Uses of Class

Packages that use AbstractSerializer

Uses of AbstractSerializer in me.prettyprint.cassandra.serializers

Subclasses of AbstractSerializer in me.prettyprint.cassandra.serializers
 class AsciiSerializer
          Almost identical to StringSerializer except we use the US-ASCII character set code
 class BigIntegerSerializer
          Serializer implementation for BigInteger
 class BooleanSerializer
          Converts bytes to Boolean and vice versa
 class ByteBufferSerializer
          The BytesExtractor is a simple identity function.
 class BytesArraySerializer
          A BytesArraySerializer translates the byte[] to and from ByteBuffer.
 class CharSerializer
          Uses Char Serializer
 class CompositeSerializer
 class DateSerializer
          Converts bytes to Date and vice versa, by first converting the Date to or from a long which represents the specified number of milliseconds since the standard base time known as "the Unix epoch", that is January 1, 1970, 00:00:00 UTC.
 class DoubleSerializer
          Uses LongSerializer via translating Doubles to and from raw long bytes form.
 class DynamicCompositeSerializer
 class FastInfosetSerializer
          A serializer which performs JAXB serialization with fast infoset encoding.
 class FloatSerializer
          Uses IntSerializer via translating Float objects to and from raw long bytes form.
 class IntegerSerializer
          Converts bytes to Integer and vice versa
 class JaxbSerializer
          Serializes Objects using Jaxb.
 class LongSerializer
          Converts bytes to Long and vise a versa
 class ObjectSerializer
          The ObjectSerializer is used to turn objects into their binary representations.
 class PrefixedSerializer<P,S>
 class ShortSerializer
          Serializer for Shorts (no pun intended).
 class StringSerializer
          A StringSerializer translates the byte[] to and from string using utf-8 encoding.
 class TimeUUIDSerializer
          A UUIDSerializer translates the byte[] to and from UUID types.
 class TypeInferringSerializer<T>
          A serializer that dynamically delegates to a proper serializer based on the value passed
 class UUIDSerializer
          A UUIDSerializer translates the byte[] to and from UUID types.

Uses of AbstractSerializer in me.prettyprint.cassandra.service

Constructors in me.prettyprint.cassandra.service with parameters of type AbstractSerializer
KeyIterator(Keyspace keyspace, String columnFamily, AbstractSerializer<K> serializer)

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